Monday, December 14, 2009


D E C E M B E R 1 4, 2 0 1 0

It has been a long time since I, last update my blog. I have been busy all this while. ctching up wirh deadlines and at the same, trying improve my teaching skills. Finally, end of the year, I have my...hopefully....nice holidays before the semester starts again on Jan 4, 2010.

For this holidays, I think I will spend most of my times on the computer.....designing an on-line florist shop for my father-in-law.

And, also trying to catch up with my blog....posting some interesting articles in this blog. To those who read this blog.....and also, are having a year-end holidays.....HAPPY HOLIDAY...

1 comment:

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

sir, it's great to see you blog a new post... anyway, wishing you Happy Holidays !!!